Things in plain sight are the most concealed

The relationship between human society, economics, health and the natural environment is blatantly obvious, yet seriously unrecognized, underestimated and misunderstood.
The 21st century culture mindset has been marketed more than any generation in history, and groomed to follow. We are consumers first and people second. We find pride and status in ourselves based on social media numbers. The amount of friends and followers are paramount in our lives. We follow the celebrities, the friends, the trends, the tweets, the clothing, the press, and yes we determine our life goals based not on ethics or wise mentors but on popularity. By the time we are 18 and older we have been marketed more than any generation in history.

Break free from the shackles of the mass marketing machine and you can see the big picture
We need only to be cognizant of the connection between our environment , our health, and the long term effects on us as well as our loved ones to see the benefits to quality of life. The priorities and the decisions have real consequences.